Positive Behaviour Support

Inclusive Support Service recognises, upholds and promotes the rights of people with disability and their right to personal freedom and is committed to positive behaviour support. Inclusive Support Service supports the use of positive behaviour support to effectively work with people with a disability who engage in behaviour(s) of concern, recognising that different service types and approaches may be needed for different people in order to ensure each person has the same opportunities.

Positive behaviour support is about working with families and support workers to develop a shared understanding about why a person has a need to engage in behaviours of concern.
Inclusive Support Service recognises that positive behaviour supports are best developed in collaboration with people with disability, family, friends, support workers, advocates and other stakeholders as people with disability, their families and carers are the natural authorities for their own lives and are in the best place to communicate their choices and decisions.

Positive behaviour support can help develop skills of the person displaying the behaviour(s) of concern to help them experience success and personal satisfaction; develop more appropriate ways to communicate their needs; and develop skills in daily living to meet potential gaps in being able to engage in meaningful activities.

Positive Behaviour Support