In Home Support
Most of us will require some sort of assistance in our lifetime. Inclusive Support Service is one of the region’s leading care providers, placing great emphasis on quality training to our support worker’s to assist our participants live happy, independent lives in the privacy of their own homes.
We assist with daily activities such as personal care, using the bathroom, eating and drinking, using aids and appliances, planning and preparing meals, getting in and out of bed and moving around the house.

We focus on building your independence through a number of clearly defined goals and procedures

Person-centred care
We place you at the heart of everything we do, caring for you in a holistic, integrated way. This may include communicating with others who are providing support and care for you or your loved one to ensure that care is consistent.
Inclusive Support Service will meet with you and your support network (friends and families) initially to identify your needs, wishes and goals. We will design a care plan taking all information into consideration. We utilise a person-centred approach when compiling your care plan, consulting with broader family, friends and medical professionals to ensure we are offering bespoke care to you.
We recognise that everyone has unique goals and priorities. Our services are tailored to your needs – What makes you Happy? How can we help you to accomplish your goals? How can we make things safer, easier or more comfortable for you at home?
Valuing and involving people
Valuing and involving people, as well as their carers and family members – ensuring that people are able to express their preferences, views and feelings. This may include ensuring that people have choices and that their views about how to make improvements are sought, listened to and acted on. We encourage our participants to contribute to the choices and decisions related tot heir care when they can, allowing them to feel in control of their lives.
Continuity of care
Continuity of care – ensuring that care is consistent and reliable. This may include ensuring that participants have a properly reviewed Care Plan through regular monitoring against mutually-agreed goals that were set out to begin with. This helps our participants maintain a level of control over the way their care is provided.

Personal manner of staff
Personal manner of staff – a caring and compassionate approach to care. This may include effective communication, getting to know the person and building relationships to ensure that care happens the way the person likes it.
Development and skills
Development and skills of Inclusive Support Service’s staff – ensuring that staff are qualified, equipped with the training, supervision and experience to do their jobs effectively but most importantly, they are compassionate and approachable. Inclusive Support Service provide regular meetings for staff, personal development and specific training on all disabilities. We pair each support worker according to each participants circumstances and requirements. In those instances where a participants behaviour may be challenging, we will employ carers with the respective training while working to maintain the participants dignity and respect. At the end of the day, it is vital that Inclusive Support Service pair participants with support workers who they can trust and build a relationship with.
Information about services and choices
Good information about services and choices – ensuring that people know where to get advice and understand their choices and rights.
Connection to communities
Focus on wellbeing, prevention, promoting independence and connection to communities – to be able to stay in their own homes and be supported to do things themselves. This may include linking people to be able to contribute to their local communities and social groups.